Strategic Execution Framework

Copyright Decision Processes International Asia. All Rights Reserved.
Your strategy is only as good as your organization’s ability to execute it effectively. Unfortunately, many strategies, even good ones, remain ideas in management's head, words on paper or just talk. This is a waste. And ... the implications of failing to execute go beyond the lost or delayed benefits of the strategy. It may result in cultural resistance or cynicism to the latest "management flavor of the month", making it even harder to execute the next time around.
If, after your latest strategic review, it was back to business as usual as operating issues returned to the fore, it's a clear sign that you lack the organizational ability to execute.
Yet, contrary to what many gurus will tell you, effective execution is neither about fire-and-forget measurement systems/scorecards, nor overly complicated and cumbersome management systems.
Provided your strategy was collectively developed by all stakeholders in a manner that generates buy-in, and is succinctly documented in a manner that facilitates decision-making, execution is a relatively straight-forward exercise. As common sense suggests, it's a matter of instilling the discipline and simple work processes required to keep the organization working towards its Future Strategic Profile.
In pure and simple terms, effective execution requires attention, action and effort in four areas:
Unrelenting identification and resolution of the Critical Issues that are essential to success
Attainment of the Strategic Positions that make or break the strategy
Proactive development of the 2 or 3 strategic skills required by your strategy
Cascading and achievement of Key Operating Objectives at the functional/business unit level
Our Strategy Execution Frameworkâ„ encompasses specific, easy-to-apply processes to address all of these areas. Unlike other "measurement driven" approaches, it also includes the decision-making skills necessary to ensure real progress.
DPI's Strategy Execution Frameworkâ„ can be delivered via consulting engagements, application-based training workshops or train-the-trainer approaches.