Problem Solving & Problem Prevention
What is it that separates good problem-solvers from the rest?​
How should you go about troubleshooting problems in "new" or unfamiliar areas?​
Why do some problem-solving teams fail while others succeed?​
Effective problem-solving is essential for effective management. Yet for many, it is a frustratingly hit-and-miss affair characterized by guesswork, hoping for the best or brute force. Why so? It's the lack of a repeatable, systematic problem-solving process.
Our 40+ years of real-world experience has demonstrated that effective problem-solving requires experience, domain expertise and a proven process. You and your people will undoubtedly possess the first two. However, what's lacking in most cases is a common, proven process that leverages this experience and expertise in order to quickly gain clarity, and then resolution, each time, every time.
If there is no common language and process for all to follow, confusion and frustration will occur. As Charles Kettering famously observed over half a century ago: "A Problem Well Stated Is A Problem Half Solved." Yet, how often do we see smart teams fail to agree on what the problem is because each member has their own bias or method, or perhaps they are at different stages of the problem-solving thought process but even don't realize it!
DPI Asia's proven Pure & Simple problem-solving method is truly unique in the market. We offer it on a standalone basis through customized in-house workshops, and as 1 of the 6 components in our holistic Situation Management framework. If you require more information:
Visit the Situation Management section of our website​
Contact us to arrange an in-house overview