Innovation is fast becoming the buzz word of the day, if it is not already. Innovation projects are being rolled out and workgroups set in motion. The non-profit sector is well-supported but also becoming increasingly "crowded". Many of us are feeling the heat to have our causes stand out. Many of us are also conscious that Innovation is NOT about difference for difference' sake, that ALL of us can and should innovate, and finally, that Innovation delivers tangible benefits.
When it comes to STRATEGIC Innovation. . . NEW programmes/ services, service models, processes, management practices that fuel our organisations on the path of Distinct Relevance and deliver greater outcomes and impact... has Innovation as a learnable skillset become part of your organisation's make-up? Or is it dependent on an unknown and unknowable spark out of the blue? How often do we ask questions about the following areas for new ideas and concepts?
Our 6th Strategic Innovation Workshop on 19 October 2022 will provide you with a repeatable 4-step Innovation process. Join us! Or email us to customise something for you in-house.
Here's are the questions to set the thinking in motion!
Our best wishes on your innovation journey towards greater Distinct Relevance!